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Sunday Sermon - 05/19/2019 - 1 Corinthians 1:18-31

Opening Prayer:

O Holy God, it is the honor of your church to offer your continual praise for your innumerable acts of goodness and favor; thank you for the high call to offer you just praise. Your creation offers you praise by reflecting your beauty back to you; may your people do likewise by recounting your historic and current acts of mercy. And so may your church be filled with thankfulness, especially for the gift of Jesus Christ, through whom comes reconciliation with you.

We pray this in the name of Jesus and for his glory. Amen

Closing Prayer:

O Holy God, peculiar is the truth that you are simultaneously the Omnipotent King and our tender Father. Our minds often slip to one side or the other, either thinking of you as the terrible judge or the forgiving parent, but not both, or not both at the same time, so great is your being and so finite are our minds! Lord, how sad it is that we sometimes think that you can be fully understood, explained, even negotiated with, as if you were a peer or a business or a natural phenomenon, and not the infinitely powerful and loving Deity. And sadder still is it that our unbelieving neighbors have never known the terrible joy of looking left and right and up and down and seeing no end to your being, no end to your justice and mercy, no end to your wisdom and creativity! Lord, grant your people humility to obey you as you lead us to speak timely words of truth to our nearest neighbors, that both we and our neighbors would offer you the adoration and thanksgiving you are due.

We pray this in the name of Jesus and for his glory. Amen

Sunday Sermon - 1 Corinthians Message #3


1 Corinthians 1:18-31

Bryan Collins

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