Sunday Sermon - 12/15/2019 - Psalm 146 - Advent #3
Opening Prayer:
O Holy God, he whose help is the God of Jacob has sure hope in a hard-hearted world. Though the justice of the nations is often delayed or mocked, your people have the comforting promise that the day of settling of all moral accounts draws ever-nearer, and that you extend mercy to all who submit to you. Where our unbelieving neighbors have no certainty about who to trust, your people have the glorious truth that the God who made heaven and earth and sea, and all that is in them, keeps faith forever. May your people praise you today, and each day, as long as they live, that every nation and generation would know that the God of justice takes pleasure in mercy.
We pray this in the name of Jesus.
Sunday Sermon - Advent #3
Psalm 146
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