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Sunday Sermon - 11/17/2019 - 1 Corinthians 11:2-16

Opening Prayer:

O Holy God, when we compare ourselves and our deeds to those around us, it is easy to imagine ourselves as undeserving of any serious divine punishment, easy to imagine Christ’s endurance of shame and pain as meant for the atonement of sinners far worse than ourselves. How sweet will be that last day, when such foolish arrogance will be weeded out from our souls, and we will see just how righteous is the God of Israel! Immense was the punishment poured out upon Christ, and so immense must be the offense of our witheld worship. How truly magnificent is your victory over the vileness of sin, that you turn self-focused rebels, such as us, into true sons and daughters of God, all the while maintaining perfect justice and holiness.May all creation lift up voice and heart to rejoice in the righteousness of God the Creator, and may your people remember with sweet lowliness that Jesus Christ bore in himself the terrible punishment that we deserved.

We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Closing Prayer:

O Holy God, you are infinite, boundless, and uncreated; no finite creature can fully understand you in all your holy splendor. Notable it is, then, that Christ teaches us to call you, “Our Father.”Certainly, it would be right for us to address you as Judge, or King, or Conqueror, but of all your titles, we are taught to speak to you, think of you, go to you, as children to a father. These simple words of Christ are almost too sweet to repeat, for in those two words, “Our Father,” he permits us to share with him the infinite riches of sonship, the supreme closeness of the divine family, and the ever-comforting hope that though all our plans fail and all our earthly desires are witheld, still we hold the highest prize a creature can claim, that we are adopted children of God. Our Father, your mercy and justice triumphs over sin and pride; thank you for loving us.

We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Sunday Sermon - 1 Corinthians Message 27


1 Corinthians 11:2-16

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