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Sunday Sermon - 09/01/2019 - Amos 8

Opening Prayer:

O Holy God, happy are those who delight in your commandments, for your decrees are are firm-fixed and sure. Hypotheses blossom and wither, people grow and falter, cultures flourish and fade, but your commands transcend all of these, they are an immovable line straighter than the horizon, harder than granite. How we need such sure truths to line the path of righteousness, for our hearts and minds are so easily allured into the weeds of passing fashionable ideas. You have blessed your people with an anchor of truth in a world of ever-changing desires and morality; thank you for your commands.

We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Closing Prayer:

O Holy God, it is a sobering thought that while all created things grow and decay, you do not. You never grow, never learn, never become; you are as you always have been and always will be, for you said in truth, “I am that I am.” Careers and emotions and people and ideas and causes all have their day, but in the end, you alone are fixed, immovable, unchanging; in the end, you are our only consistent friend. So may your people rush to you in joy and sadness, and lean on you as a warm and constant companion through their ever-changing relationships. And may your people often ponder your unchanging nature and in so doing take courage to live in holiness and speak in humility, remembering that in the end you alone are judge and advocate. And may the endless days of eternal rest come soon, when we will forever learn of your firm-fixed, uncreated beauty, of your unchanging goodness and holiness, of your love that knows no end.

We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Sunday Sermon - Amos 8


Amos 8

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