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Sunday Sermon - 06/16/2019 - Proverbs 14:26 - Father's Day

Opening Prayer:

O Holy God, it is telling of your Fatherly patience that you continue to sustain the dominion of humanity over your creation, enduring our carelessness for the creatures and creations that you place in our charge whilst you hold out your offer of amnesty to sinners. Your special patience with humanity is peculiar, even odd, so great is your fatherly love of unworthy and lowly sinners such as us. Thank your for patiently sustaining us yet another week, providing us time, food, drink, sleep,and dignifying responsibility. May you be honored in the wise use of all the resources you provide us. And may you be pleased by today’s offering of thanksgiving.

We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen

Closing Prayer:

O Holy God, sweet are the memories of how you awakened us from the sleep of sin, how you wooed us with your words of truth, how you placed in us a deep dissatisfaction with the injustice and vanity of the world, how you quickened our hearts to feel divine warmth in the person of Jesus Christ! And how sobering is the thought that you awakened us that we would flee from coming wrath, from eternal punishment and sorrow in hell. We confess that we often do not consider with sufficient seriousness the reality of coming hell for those who do not submit to you. Lord, forgive us for savoring your salvation whilst forgetting the present and eternal woes of those who have yet to awaken from the sleep of sin. May your church sow bountifully the words of Christ, that she may reap bountifully a harvest of souls. And may you be honored in the increasing number of those who trust Jesus.

We pray this in the name of Jesus and for his glory. Amen

Sunday Sermon - Father's Day


Proverbs 14:26

Bryan Collins

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