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Sunday Sermon - 05/05/2019 - 1 Corinthians 1:10-17

Opening Prayer:

O Holy God, to remember your holiness is to remember reality. So easy it is to place undue focus and energy on temporary pleasures and woes that our days are often spent ruminating on tasks instead of truths. Your holiness is an unchanging truth, a fixed reality. Obedience amidst terrible pains and overwhelming distractions is possible because you are eternally the same, eternally holy, not careless or capricious or hypocritical. The simple and profound truth is that the more we remember your holiness, the more content and peaceful we become. So, may your people honor you today in the remembrance of your holiness.

We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Closing Prayer:

O Holy God, you are King over all your creation, you govern all reality, you sustain all creatures, you judge all souls. Such foundational truths ground us and give us sure footing in a culture of constantly changing ideals and values. Though we do not know what joys and pains await us tomorrow, we know for certain that you govern tomorrow just as you do today, and so we make decisions and plans based on your unchanging goodness. How sad, how uncertain, how daunting must be the lives of our unbelieving neighbors, for their plans are aimed at shifting targets, and their hopes are never assured, and they are left wondering, “What am I here for?” O God, embolden your people to share the truth of your Gospel, that our our nearest neighbors would not be lost in the sea of ever-changing culture! May the great reaping of souls continue in our day, in our city, that you may be honored by an ever-increasing body of souls offering humble thanks and joyful praise.

We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ and for his glory. Amen.

Sunday Sermon


1 Corinthians 1:10-17

Bryan Collins

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